Inside The Horizon
Inside the Horizon
Awe is an emotion that is generally misinterpreted. People tend to use it in the place of wonder or love, but it is an individual emotion which connotes fearing the divine and welcoming vastness. It induces calm and panic, fear and peace. It is about looking out into the world and rising above any mundane concerns.
There is a need to actively observe the world more, and hunting for awe in the mundane is a direct route to true appreciation. Allocating more time in the day to noticing allows us to acknowledge the change that is happening all around. It removes the importance of dwelling on the passing of time. Awe is important to me, it is dreading the dying light at the end of the day and embracing tomorrow anyway.
Inside The Horizon is an act of preservation, a result of feeling the pressure of time, and having the urgency to document the world as it is right now. It is an invitation to start taking time out of your day to look up, out, closer, longer. Because doesnt everything become a little more precious with time peering over your shoulder?
“Awe is a lightning bolt that marks in memory those moments when the doors of
perception are cleansed and we see with startling clarity what is truly important in life”
- David Elkins